Entrepreneurs not only know the answer to cure America’s economic malaise, they are the answer. Coach Blackwell helps you swim upstream in good economic times and bad. Your future prosperity is not determined by the economy as much as your knowledge about why entrepreneurs succeed or fail.
Derived from decades of research and practical experience, this book is for three types of readers:
1. People with the dream of starting a business
2. Owners of existing firms wanting to grow larger
3. Investors wanting to grow their savings (and anyone who wants to know how to be prosperous instead of poor)
Investing in entrepreneurs can be as profitable as being one when you understand the S Curve of Entrepreneurial Growth to identify firms turning a thousand dollar investment into millions in return. Young readers discover how to be an Einstein at investing and mature readers learn how to prevent their retirement income from expiring before they do.
Nothing is as practical as good theory, tested in the laboratory of the market place. Building a firm without knowing entrepreneurial theory is as dangerous as building an airplane without knowing aerodynamics and structural engineering. Theories are validated with success principles at Apple, Aldi, CheckFree (Fiserve), Google and Walmart and many less-familiar firms. From Amazon to Worthington Industries, Blackwell shows how to implement down-to-earth principles empowering ordinary women and men to rise to extraordinary heights.
In conversations with this master teacher: learn how to create fortunes with centrifugal growth, turn customers into fans, learn multi-market segmentation, study the polarity of retailing, and participate in global thinking. You’ll understand why cash is king, the potentially lethal disease of “restaurantitis”, and the underlying strategy causing Amazon’s success.